'Savages' Who Executed Foley Will Be Nabbed, FBI Chief Vows

FBI director James Comey said today that the "full force" of the U.S. government will come to bear on the "savages" responsible for the kidnapping and gruesome death of journalist James Foley.

"I'm very, very, sorry to say that these savages have turned it into a homicide investigation," Comey said today, speaking to reporters in Denver.

"So we'll stay on it. We'll work with our law enforcement, our intelligence and our military partners to try to bring justice to the Foley family and bring the full force of the United States to bear on these savages," he said.

Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalsts

Foley Executioner Appears to Be British

Foley was on assignment in Syria for the GlobalPost news outlet when he was kidnapped in November 2012.

Comey said he is concerned that the masked executioner seen in a video clip carrying out Foley's murder speaks with a British accent, one of "thousands" of westerners Comey says have joined terror groups like ISIS.

"These people may have western passports. That's a concern to Europe," Comey said, adding, "it's just a hop across the pond to the United States."

Comey said he has met with Foley's family and says he is confident his killers will eventually face justice.

"We are very, very patient and dogged people," said Comey. "We will never forget."