No Way Can You Sing! 'Star-Spangled Banner' Turns 200

Francis Scott Key has had a long time to turn over in his grave since the lyrics he penned 200 years ago were put to music.

"The Star-Spangled Banner" has been butchered enough times to raise questions about the sanity of all but those blessed with the truest voices and sharpest memories who dare risk the public shame and humiliation.

But that hasn't stopped them, and even the most accomplished of performers like Steven Tyler have fallen painfully short (see videos below).

Mangled lyrics and cracked voices aside, the "Star-Spangled Banner," written Sept. 14, 1814, as "Defense of Fort McHenry" by Key - a lawyer and amateur poet - will be 200 years old Sunday.

It didn't become the official national anthem until 1931, but that's more than enough time, unintentionally or otherwise, to trample all over its majesty. Here are some examples.