Trinity Industries Statement to ABC News

The following is a statement provided by Trinity Industries in response to the ABC News investigation into the company's guardrails.

Trinity has a high degree of confidence in the performance and integrity of the ET-Plus® System, which we are proud to manufacture and sell under license from Texas A&M University. The false and misleading allegations being made by Mr. Harman were reviewed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The FHWA re-affirmed its acceptance of the ET-Plus® System in October 2012 and yet again in June 2014 for its eligibility for use on the National Highway System.

A lawsuit was brought by Trinity and Texas A&M for infringement of the patents covering the ET-Plus® System. During this patent lawsuit, Mr. Harman filed his own lawsuit against Trinity based on allegations of "false claims" associated with the ET-Plus® System. The U.S. Government reviewed his "false claim" allegations and declined to participate in the lawsuit. Trinity is defending itself against the individual making these allegations in court and is taking the steps necessary to fully protect the intellectual property of Texas A&M and the outstanding reputation of Trinity Highway Products and the ET-Plus® System.

Trinity also provided two documents in support of the guardrails:

2013 Trinity Letter in Response to Allegations (PDF)

2014 Department of Transportation Memorandum (PDF)