ABC Health Vegetarian Tweet Chat Today at 1PM, ET
There are lots of reasons for eating more fruits and vegetables: for your health, for the environment, for animal rights - or all of the above. That's why the number of people who eat a completely vegetarian or semi-vegetarian diet is growing. Currently, about 4 percent of Americans consider themselves vegetarian and another 47 percent try to go vegetarian at least part of the time, according to the latest national survey by the Vegetarian Resource Group.
Come share your reasons for embracing a vegetarian lifestyle on today's ABC Health tweet chat, moderated by Dr. Richard Besser, chief health and medical correspondent for ABC News. We'll be joined by top vegetarian bloggers, hospital wellness experts and vegetarian advocacy groups from all over the country. And for the first time ever, we'll be live blogging during the chat to offer you recipes, expert tips and so much more.
The chat starts at 1 p.m., ET and runs for an hour. You're welcome to participate any way you wish. To learn how to join the conversation, click here. If you just want to watch, you can see the updates below, which will appear automatically when the event starts.
Get the latest from the ABC Health Vegetarian Twitter Chat Here