Tweet Chat Wrap-Up: The Big Picture on Obesity

More than a third of Americans are obese. Photo credit: Getty Images.

Last week, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation released its annual "F" is for Fat report. It showed that, for the first time ever, obesity rates held steady in every state in the nation except Arkansas.

Mixed in with the report's good news was also some bad news: The rate of obesity for men has jumped six percentage points in the past decade, so that male and female obesity rates are now virtually identical at about 36 percent. People with lower incomes and less education continue to have the highest obesity rates. And, the percent of people with a body mass index of 40 or greater - the so-called "super obese" category - now stands at 6.5 percent of the population, a 350-percent spike since 1980.

ABC Health held a tweet chat Tuesday to review the latest findings on obesity with some of the top experts in the field, including researchers from The Obesity Society, The National Weight Control Registry and The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Dr. Richard Besser, ABC News' chief health and medical correspondent, moderated the chat.

Interested to see what the experts have to say about a problem that affects more than one third of Americans? Scroll through the "live blog" below to read the chat highlights. Mobile users, click here.