Designer Bracelet Promises to Prevent Sun-Fried Skin

The June Bracelet will alert the user to sun overexposure. Photo credit:

With bitter cold gripping much of the country, it's easy to forget about the sun and how it can damage your skin. The new June Bracelet, which hits the market in about five months, promises protection against UV rays, sun damage and premature skin aging.

The idea here is that as you wear the elegantly styled gadget - designed by Louis Vuitton and Harry Winston collaborator Camille Toupet - a gem-like sensor tracks sun exposure in real time. It syncs its findings to an app on your smartphone and gives advice about how much sunscreen to apply and whether it might be time to cover up with a hat and shades.

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Dr. Barney Kenet, a New York City dermatologist, likes the idea of the bracelet because he said anything that brings more awareness to sun exposure is a good idea. But he has reservations.

"The bracelet would need to take into account different skin types, since fair-skinned people need more protection than darker skinned," he said. "I also have concerns about relying on a device when the emphasis should be on developing good skin care habits."

Kenet also points out that vigilant sun protection should be an all-year-round endeavor.

"In cold weather, the sun can still cause damage and raise the risk of skin cancer, especially at high altitudes and in situations where there are large reflective areas of snow or water," Kenet cautioned.

The bracelet comes in gold, platinum or gunmetal colors. Its maker, Netamo, expects it to start shipping this spring and said it would cost about $100.

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