These Two Babies Weigh More Than 80 Pounds - ABC News

These Two Babies Weigh More Than 80 Pounds

Two big babies are getting special medical treatment after doctors found out they weighed more than 80 pounds combined.

Doctors at a clinic in Medellín, Colombia, are helping Santiago Mendoza and Isabela Martinez slim down to sidestep the serious consequences of their heavy little bodies, according to the charity Gorditos de Corazón, which translates to "Chubby Hearts."

Santiago, who is 10 months old, made headlines in March for his hefty 44-pound frame - more than double the recommended weight for his age, according to growth charts for the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Santiago and his family were moved to Medellín, Colombia for treatment.(John Vizcaino/Reuters)

Santiago Mendoza is held by his mother Eunice Fandino. )John Vizcaino/Reuters)

After hearing Santiago's story, the parents Isabela Martinez realized that she, too, needed help. The 9-month-old baby girl weighs roughly 40 pounds.

Baby Santiago weighs 44 pounds - more than double the median weight for a baby his age. (ABC News)

Chubby Hearts director Salvador Palacio was so concerned about Isabela's size that he had the entire family moved to Medellín for treatment. There, Isabela joined Santiago, who is being weaned off of formula and onto a fruit and veggie diet to slim down.

Infants Isabella and Santiago have a combined weight for more than 80 pounds. (Gorditos de Corazon/Barcroft Media/Landov)