Tips to Keep New Year's Resolutions From Cast of 'The Revolution'

For anyone who made a New Year's resolution to improve his or her life, the middle of January is a good time for some help and encouragement.

Here are some tips from the cast of  the new show, "The Revolution," on which a dream team of experts provides advice and tools to motivate you and transform your life. The show debuts today, Jan. 16, at 2 ET/1 CT on ABC.

Style Guru Tim Gunn's Women's Wardrobe Essentials

  • Day dress
  • Classic white button-down shirt
  • Classic blazer
  • Skirt
  • Dress pants
  • Cashmere sweater

Harley Pasternak, Celebrity Trainer

  • At New Year's or whenever, start whenever you can with small, achievable goals, focusing on one thing at a time.
  • Buy new sneakers and walk 10,000 steps per day.
  • Don't kill yourself if you don't do it every day; there's always tomorrow.
  • The skater lunge is an easy exercise for the butt and thighs.

Dr. Jennifer Ashton's Tips for Optimal Health

  • I believe in a triad of optimal health: eat, move and rest.
  • Commit to these every day, emphasizing the importance of sleep.
  • Even if you work crazy hours, set a bed time and stick to it. That will help you accomplish more before going to bed. It will also help you be more functional and get more done, because you will be well rested.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry, Therapist

  • Accomplishing any kind of health and wellness goal is not easy.
  • To make it a little easier, before you set a resolution or goal, find someone who is going to hold you accountable. This person gives you tough love so you know you're not doing it alone.