90 Million Chocolate Bunnies and Other Fun Easter Facts - ABC News

90 Million Chocolate Bunnies and Other Fun Easter Facts

                                                           (Image credit: William Thomas Cain/Getty Images)

Chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, Peeps and Cadbury eggs will surely fill children's Easter baskets this weekend.

Easter is a candy retailer's dream.  More than 120 million pounds of candy are purchased for the holiday every year.  Whatever candy you decide to indulge in this weekend, we've collected some of our favorite Easter candy facts that are sure to have you sugar shocked.

16 Billion…that's the number of jelly beans that are made for Easter each year

70 percent…of Easter candy purchased is chocolate

8,968…pounds: the weight of Guinness World Records' largest egg ever made

5 million…marshmallow chicks and bunnies are made daily in preparation for the holiday

Red…jelly beans are the favorite color kids pick

90 Million…chocolate bunnies are made for Easter each year

76 percent…of Americans say people should eat the ears first on a chocolate bunny

2nd…biggest candy holiday, after Halloween

2.1 Billion…dollars spent on Easter candy annually

28.11…dollars: the amount the average American spends on Easter candy

Sources:  Statistic BrainNational Confectioners Association