Best Seat on the Plane? Hint: Not in Row 7 - ABC News

Best Seat on the Plane? Hint: Not in Row 7

                                                             (Image credit: Yashuhide Fumoto/Getty Images)

Lucky no. 7 isn't the best row to be seated in on a flight. And the worst isn't row 13.

According to flight-comparison web site Skyscanner, the very best seat on a flight is 6A.

The web site came to this conclusion via a survey of more than 1,000 people on the subject of seat preferences. The site asked for favorite  section of the plane and the preference for the window or aisle seat. It then combined responses to come up with the very best seat on a flight: 6A, a window seat up front.

And to finally settle a battle as old as the one between cat people and dog people, it turns out more people prefer the window to the aisle at the ratio of 60:40.

But when there is a winner, there must be a loser, too. The award for the very worst seat on a plane goes to 31E, a middle seat near the back of the plane.

The preference for seats towards the front of the plane won't be news for the airlines, many of which have begun charging extra for these seats, as well as for the exit row and for seats with more legroom. Spirit and AirTran charge for any advance seat assignment, and while Southwest still has an open seating policy, it does offer, for $10, the opportunity to check into the flight early and be in the coveted first boarding group.

Most recently, Delta Airlines announced a new fare class called Basic Economy. These tickets run about $15 cheaper, but offer no opportunity for an advance seat assignment. In other words, prepare to be battling over both armrests.

A TripAdvisor survey released Wednesday found 40 percent of people would pay extra to sit in a designated "quiet" section of the plane. But don't tell the airlines - we don't want to give them any more ideas to pile on fees.