Best Place to Be a Mom: U.S Ranks 25th

Just in time for Mother's Day, Save the Children has released its 13th  annual State of World's Mothers report. The report, which ranks countries from best to worst in places to be a mother, saw the United States placing 25th,  moving up from last year's ranking of 31.

Carolyn Miles, president and  CEO of Save the Children, said  there's still much work to be done. "We still fall below most wealthy nations," she said on the Save the Children website. "A woman in the U.S. is more than seven  times as likely to die of a pregnancy-related cause in her lifetime than a woman in Italy or Ireland. When it comes to the number of children enrolled in preschools or the political status of women, the United States also places in the bottom 10 countries of the developed world."

Norway came in No. 1 on the list, which, according to the Save the Children, weighs such factors as a mother's health, education and economic status, as well as such critical child wellness  indicators such as health and nutrition.  Niger came in last, largely because of the food crisis facing the nation. It replaced Afghanistan, which held the bottom spot for the past two years.

Save the Children found that encouraging mothers to breastfeed could save 1 million children's lives a year. The report also found  that less than 40 percent of all infants in developing countries received the full benefits of exclusive breastfeeding.