'Working Mother' Becomes 'Working Father' … Temporarily

In time for Father's Day, the magazine Working Mother has temporarily changed its logo to read, "Working Father."

Why, after more than three decades in publication, did the magazine decide to honor dads in this way now?

"With the majority of kids now living in dual-earner households, working dads are doing more hands-on parenting than ever before and we wanted to make a bold statement to honor that fact," said Working Mother Media editorial director Jennifer Owens. "…To the changers of diapers, emptiers of the dishwasher, the quicker picker uppers of the kids, we working moms salute you."

That salute included Owens handing over her editor's note duties to her husband and also an article on things that working dads - brace yourselves, ladies - might just do better than working moms.

The June/July issue of the magazine is on newsstands now.