Pricey Pie Fetches $3,100 at Missouri Auction

(Photo courtesy: World Records Academy)

Everyone was dying to get a piece of the pie at an auction in Western Missouri last week. Rich Hill, the town "Famous for the Fourth" held its annual pie auction Friday.

Jerry Mumma, a 75-year-old farmer, dueled with bidder Bud Fillpot for the peanut-butter banana pie on a Hammond Pretzel crust.

Mumma won the showdown paying $3,100 for the pie made by his 18-year-old granddaughter, Jara Mumma.

"It's rich, peanut buttery, and it tastes pretty good," Jara Mumma told the Los Angeles Times. She commented on the saltiness of the pretzel, describing it as a "contrast."

"I tell you what, my wife cut it up in little bitty pieces and handed it out to everybody who wanted to try it," Jerry Mumma said. "She just passed it out to people who were bidding against me."

The pie is a contender for the Guinness World Records' most expensive pie. Auctioneer Larry Hacker has to submit paperwork, video, photos and witness statements in order for consideration.

The price of the winning pie has grown over the years. Four years ago the top pie went for $400 and last year it went for $2,600.

This year, the auction sold 48 pies and raised $10,000. The proceeds go to funding next year's festival.