Cinnabon Has a New Bun in the Oven

The sweet and sticky Cinnabon may be expanding beyond its trademark.

The all-too-delicious treat is entering a whole new realm of edible guilty pleasures with the release of the new Pizzabon.

"It is made with the same dough as the Cinnabon, but does not contain all of the sweet ingredients," a rep told ABC News. "Instead, the product is rolled with pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese and pepperoni slices."

Cinnabon is testing out several new items in Atlanta's Cumberland Mall, which is serving as the outpost for trial items like the Pizzabon, cupcakes and breakfast sandwiches.

"They include a new croissant, an apple danish, cupcakes, breakfast sandwiches and iced coffees," President Kat Cole told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Since the company first opened its doors 27 years ago, they're looking to spice things up. The new menu items are being offered in an attempt to broaden the options to keep up with the changing consumer demands.

"In this day and age, it is incredibly important" to diversify, Karen Bremer, executive director of the Georgia Restaurant Association, told the newspaper. "If consumers are making the trip to your establishment, you want them to find everything they want in one place." .

And while the classic Cinnabon has about 800 calories, the Pizzabon is (as of now) only being offered in their "minibon" size, which makes it a tasty lunchtime treat for only 290 calories.