Father's Day by the Numbers: 70M Dads, 15K Hardware Stores

Joey Celis/Getty Images

Father's Day has been celebrated since the early 1900s, but it was Richard Nixon who signed the law making it permanent, in 1972.

We'll let the numbers tell the rest of the story, courtesy of the U.S. Census Bureau.

Happy Father's Day!

70.1 million: Estimated number of fathers

24.4 million: Number of fathers part of married-couple families with children younger than 18 in 2012

1.96 million: Number of single fathers in 2012

7,368: Number of U.S. men's clothing stores, as of 2010

15,542: Number of hardware stores, as of 2010

21,418: Number of sporting goods stores in 2010

189,000: Estimated number of stay-at-home dads in 2012

18 percent: Percentage of preschoolers regularly cared for by their father during mother's working hours, spring 2011.

$1.9 billion: Amount of child support received by custodial fathers in 2009

34 percent: Percentage of custodial fathers who received all child support that was due in 2009

70 percent: Percentage of custodial fathers receiving non-cash support