Grandma-to-Be Gets Baby News Via Literal Bun in Oven

Sean and Lynn Kreps, of Palm City, Fla., wanted to reveal their pregnancy to Sean's mother, Lee, in a very special way.

So they led "Crazy Momma Lee," as they affectionately call her, on a scavenger hunt she believed was for her birthday, telling her there was a big surprise somewhere in the kitchen and she'd have to find it.

But what Lee found turned out being so much more than a birthday gift.

"She is always enthusiastic about anything you do, so we knew she'd be excited," Lynn Kreps, 38, told

The happy parents-to-be had strategically hidden a cinnamon bun in the oven, hoping Lee would understand the literal baby inference, "A bun in the oven."

As you can see in the hilarious video that has gone viral with more than 31,000 YouTube views, Lee's reaction was priceless as she screams at the top of her lungs the second she puts the analogy together.

"The funny part was, she hollered when the oven door opened, but she didn't even know what she was hollering at at first," Lynn explained. "She's such a loving, wonderful, enthusiastic mother-in-law. I knew she'd be excited, but I wasn't sure if she'd get it right away."

Fortunately, the proud future grandma did understand, and couldn't be more enthused about the new bundle of joy that is due on Dec. 4.

"We're going to just go insane with the whole thing," Lee said. "I had been wanting Lynn to get pregnant for many years. You know, there's always the mother -in-law and the daughter-in-law, and I cannot tell you what a perfect match we are. My son did such a great job."

This will be Lee's second grandchild, but the first born to her son. And although Lee is busting at the seams to prepare for the baby, she'll have to wait to buy baby clothes because the parents are keeping the baby's sex a surprise.