Dad Keeps Baby Entertained With Hilarious Computer Techniques

When your baby is hungry, there is usually little you can do to thwart the tears.

But new dad, Dustin Waller, of Ventura, Calif., certainly perfected the technique for at least one afternoon on Nov. 20, while his wife, Courtney, was out running errands.

"Baby Reese woke up form a nap and was looking for mom to feed her, so I had to keep her entertained," Waller, 32, told

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He kept 5 and a half-month-old Reese preoccupied by playing with her proportions on his Macbook, going from chubby chipmunk cheeks to itty, bitty, tiny head, long enough for Courtney to return home for a post-naptime feeding frenzy to ensue.

"Literally at the end of the video, my wife came home and walked in the background and as soon as Reese saw her it was all over," he recalled. "She's like, 'Thanks for entertaining me Dad, but I'm hungry.'"

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The creative dad said he and his wife are always trying new techniques to keep the baby from crying.

"Yesterday it was '24,'" he explained. "She wouldn't stop crying unless we watched '24.' We already had played the jumping game and the flying game and nothing was working."

When asked about his baby's newfound Internet fame, Waller simply replied, "That's awesome. Hopefully she doesn't mind when she grows up."

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