Dad Builds 12-Foot-Tall Homemade Ice Luge in Front Yard for His Kids

Who needs to watch the 2014 Sochi winter Olympics when you can actually play them yourself (kind of) in your very own front yard?

Tim Smith, of Crystal, Minn., is absolutely winning the coolest dad on the block award by creating a homemade, 12-foot-tall, fully functional ice luge for his kids so they could do just that.

"In Minnesota we have a long winter and I'm teaching the kids to embrace it," Smith told of his massive neighborhood attraction. "This is exercise in disguise. It's giving them the right kind of influence instead of just sitting around playing video games."

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Not only have his own kids - ages 12, 10 and 7 - put the enormous ice luge to good use, but all of their friends, and their friends' friends, have too, putting a decent amount of mileage on the slippery, icy slide.

"As the kids have gotten older they've been able to help more, and the neighbor kids love it," he explained, adding that Mother Nature played an important role this year in the building process.

"Our first snowfall came on December 6 and we were out there playing in the yard, and of course you've got to shovel, and as the snow accumulated more and more outside the progression was pretty impressive," said Smith. "It's been absolutely frigid."

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But the frightful temperatures certainly haven't slowed down this rambunctious group.

"Our end goal is to have kiddie winter Olympic games," he explained. "We're shooting for Saturday a week from tomorrow where we're going to get all the neighbor kids over and have official game trials.

"It's totally for fun, and it's going to be the final event before this thing eventually melts."

The children have planned different categories of games they'll judge, such as speed, distance and overall tricks.

For Smith, however, it's about more than healthy competition.

"It's about the family time, being outdoors, and getting some fresh air and exercise," he said. "That's what it boils down to for us."