'Naked Sledding' Competition Seeks Intrepid Contenders

Swedish model Marcus Schenkenberg competes in the 4th international naked luging toboggan championship in Braunlage, northern Germany, Feb. 18, 2012. He placed fifth. (Matthias Bein/AFP/Getty Images)

Are you so over the polar bear plunge? Bored with Olympics coverage? It may be time to check out the Naked Sledding World Championships.

Thirty participants representing 15 countries will come together to take part in the competition next month in the tiny mountain town of Braunlage, Germany. The uniform? A helmet, shoes and pants or shorts. So not really naked as much as topless.

"Teams of men and women strip off to just their skimpy pants, helmets and shoes, before boarding their sleds in whatever way they see fit and taking on the 89 metre (about 300 feet) downhill course," reads the description on the site chilisauce.co.uk, which is taking applications to join their team.

The application requires funny or interesting facts about yourself, the name and date of your last competition and your fitness level.

The Naked Sledding World Championships has been taking place since 2009, but according to chilisauce, there was no competition in 2013. The last race was in 2012 and drew 25,000 spectators.