Animator Dad Makes Son's Superhero Dreams Come True - ABC News

Animator Dad Makes Son's Superhero Dreams Come True

We all remember what it was like pretending to be superheroes as a kid-being able to fly, possessing magical powers and disappearing right before our parents' eyes.

But for 3-year-old James Hashimoto, better known to the Internet as Action Movie Kid, it's all come true.

Watch the little -yet mighty-boy as he blasts off into space from the McDonald's play area, throws lightning bolts from his fingertips as he casually eats his cereal and bravely jumps from one couch to the other while dodging exploding lava pits in his living room.

The hysterically thrilling videos are the brainchild of James' father, Daniel Hashimoto, of Porter Ranch, Calif., who works for DreamWorks as an animator.

"We really encourage make believe and fantasy life in this household," Hashimoto, 31, told of his creative and adventurous endeavors for his son. "I work for a cartoon factory and my wife is a chocolatier, so he literally grows up in a chocolate shop. It creates an interesting balance of creativity."

The fun-loving family is expecting a new little one in September.