McDonald's Is Now Offering A - Wait for It - $12 Burger

McDonald's Switzerland is now offering a $12 burger.

First came news of McDonald's trying to raise the prices of its Dollar Menu. And now the fast food giant has unveiled a $12 burger. What's next, truffle fries and foie gras?

This pricey patty is available in Switzerland as part of the chain's "Signature Line," which was co-developed with Swiss chef René Schudel for Monday's launch.

The burger, known as "The Prime," features a little over 6 ounces of Bell Swiss beef, Borisried traditional mountain cheese, bacon, coleslaw, rocket lettuce, sauce and crusted bread.

Don't get too worked up, though, American fans-McDonald's spokeswoman Becca Hary says there are no plans to bring this or any other similar burger to the United States. Looks like you'll have to settle for a Big Mac to ease the disappointment.