'Wednesday's Child' Reporter Thanked for 25 Years of Building Families
After 30 years of reporting for WFAA-TV, ABC News' Dallas-Fort Worth affiliate, Gloria Campos - a Dallas institution in her own right - is retiring.
In 1989, Campos took over the weekly feature "Wednesday's Child" and each week for 25 years, she brought viewers the stories of children in foster care with the hope of connecting each one to a family.
It's estimated that she featured 350 children and 75 percent of them found adoptive families because of her reporting.
The television news station held a tribute week in her honor and updated the story of one particular "Wednesday's Child."
Ke'onte Cook was a well-spoken 8-year-old when Campos featured him in 2007. Her segment resulted in an adoption but sadly, it didn't work out.
So again Campos tried to help, featuring Ke'onte Cook when he was 10.
That evening, Carol and Scott Cook were watching. The couple said they knew immediately he was their son.
"He just spoke to us through the video," Scott Cook told WFAA-TV. "Just seemed like he was talking to us."
The Cooks adopted Ke'onte. He is now 14 and a runner, hiker and dancer.
He and his parents were on the set of WFAA-TV to surprise Ramos.
"I'd like to say 'thank you' for putting him on the second time, because not only did you bring us the child that God wanted us to have - and we wouldn't have seen him otherwise - but you've also helped him touch millions by him being able to talk about his story," Carol Cook said.
ABC News' Christine Rakowsky and affiliate WFAA-TV contributed to this story.