New Website 'Wevorce' Eases Grueling Divorce Process - ABC News

New Website 'Wevorce' Eases Grueling Divorce Process

Divorce can be a difficult process. It's expensive, emotional and can result in years in court. But now there is a new website trying to make that grueling process just a little bit easier.

Wevorce, a San Francisco-based company, uses computer software to connect couples looking to uncouple with lawyers located across the West Coast. While they can't save your marriage, they can save you time and money.

"The technology allows us, as we continue to build, to make it more and more affordable for families," Michelle Crosby, the founder and CEO of Wevorce, told ABC News. "We let families go at their own pace."

While a divorce involving lawyers can cost upwards of $15,000 to $30,000 or more, Wevorce says their average price is about $5,000, and start as low as $1,800.

And it's not just money. Wevorce also offers counseling and mediation.

"Because of the stressors of divorce, we will always have people available," said Crosby.

Married for 15 years, Mark Kormylo and Nora Gibson, of Boise, Idaho, say they'd seen enough of their friends go through nasty divorces.

"We had both heard horror stories of screaming across atorney's tables and this seemed like a much more cordial way to end our marriage," Kormylo explained.

Therefore, two years ago, they decided to use Wevorce to try to keep the peace, not just for them, but also for their 12-year-old son.

"These guys wanted us to get along in a way that was really healing to everybody in the family, so that we could move on to our next chapter," said Gibson.

Still, some experts say Wevorce is not for everyone.

"If we have a couple who fight like cats and dogs, then I would strong caution against going the Wevorce route," Carrozza explained. "They will abandon that process, they'll each hire their own attorney and it could end up costing them twice as much."

But for Kormylo and Gibson, they say they have no remorse for their Wevorce.

"I think it would have been drastically different had we gone the traditional route," said Kormylo. "I'm thankful that we didn't."