I Love Giving Birth

by KIM, Prairie Mama

Million Moms Challenge Blogger

When I was a teenager, I knew that I would want drugs when I had a baby.  My favorite thing to say was, “God gave man the smarts to invent drugs for a reason.  Stick that needle in my back and give me relief!”

When I found myself pregnant with my first child however, my tune was different.  My sister had two homebirths, and while I knew I would NEVER do that ( never say never) she had really good experiences both times.  My sister-in-law had just had a baby two years earlier in a birth center, and I thought that was such a great alternative.

I had researched and knew exactly how I wanted birth to be.  I knew that I would have a natural, drug-free birth with a Certified Nurse Midwife in the hospital.  I knew my baby would be born gently, peacefully and would nurse right away.

What I didn’t plan on was her being footling breech and not turning.  At 37 weeks 3 days my water broke and my baby was born via C-Section.

Hers was not the birth I had envisioned.  It was hard to accept and to recover from.  I never wanted another birth like it again.

I found myself pregnant 9 months later and knew this time would be different.  I did everything in my power to make sure my baby was not breech this time.

And he wasn’t.  It was not a difficult pregnancy, he was in the perfect position for birth and everything was perfect.

Until the moment he was born, I would have told you my favorite part of pregnancy was feeling the baby move.

But, when the time came and my body told me to push, I realized I had a new favorite part of pregnancy.

Up until that point, I was not really actively doing anything to grow this baby.  I was eating, I was staying active, I was prepping mentally for labor, but there was nothing I was doing.

I remember feeling my baby descend through the birth canal and thinking, “I can’t believe I am doing this. This is the most amazing feeling in the world”.


My favorite part of pregnancy is giving birth.  Working with my baby and my body to bring them into the world.  The feeling of euphoria and relief when that sweet little person emerges from my body.  The tears, blood, pain, and going physically beyond anything I have ever experienced.

It is where Heaven and Earth meet and I feel privileged to have experienced it 5 glorious times.

Becoming pregnant changed my life, and I’d love to hear more about your best or most difficult pregnancy moments. By replying, you will be entered to win an exclusive Million Moms Challenge Gift Pack, which includes an all expenses paid trip to a conference on mothers hosted by the UN Foundation in DC (Jan/Feb 2012), an iPad2, a custom-made Million Moms Challenge pendant and $50 donation in your name to Global Giving. Contest and prize details here.

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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Million Moms Challenge. The opinions and text are all mine. Contest runs September 19 to October 16, 2011. A random winner will be announced by October 18, 2011. Official Contest Rules