Love is all they need…

Being  asked  to give advice freely is something I could never turn down {ha!}, so it’s with glee that I take a moment to tell you

My favorite tip for raising a healthy baby….

Let me start by saying that I distinctly remember being given tons of parenting advice when I was pregnant for the first time.  Loads of it.  Most was practical, but some of the gems that I stayed with me were thoughtful, insightful and universal.  Like:

  • Singing, reading and talking to your baby will make her serene.
  • Take one day at a time; all will fall in place.
  • Keep a grandma handy! {one of my favorites}
  • You can never give a child too much love.
  • Be very patient and love your child all the time with all your heart.
  • Everything just comes naturally.  Love is the key.
  • Take a moment for yourself to reflect on why you are doing this…

If I could condense all the advice I was given and all the tidbits I gleaned by being a mother 5 times over, I’d have to say that the best thing you can do to raise a healthy child is love them up every chance you get.  There is nothing more satisfying that just being in the moment and making memories that will sustain you and make you smile when your babies grow up!  Plus, I’ve never met a child yet that can’t handle too much love.   Universal?  Most definitely.

I swear. It works.  {smiling}.

Children’s health is at the top of every mother’s mind. What’s your favorite tip for raising a healthy baby? By replying, you will be entered to win an exclusive Million Moms Challenge Gift Pack, which includes an iPad2, a custom-made Million Moms Challenge pendant and a $50 donation in your name to Global Giving.

Please show your support for the Million Moms Challenging by liking MMC on Facebook.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Million Moms Challenge. The opinions and text are all mine. Contest runs November 14 to December 18, 2011. A random winner will be announced by December 20, 2011.

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