Be an Advocate for Your Children's Health

The Million Moms Challenge is almost over. I am a huge supporter of this cause. This month we are talking about Children's Health.

My first child was born with a complication. Of course, since I was a first-time mom I had no idea that he was unusual. And the fact that I was discharged within 24 hours after his birth didn't help matters. He wasn't in the hospital long enough for the doctors of nurses to see that there was anything wrong.

We got home and within hours he was throwing up blackish matter. I held him upside down as he choked. After that he threw up almost everything that he ate. He ate ALL the time, and since he was gaining weight the doctors put my questions and concerns off.

Once he had his first birthday and was still throwing up 6-7 times a day my doctor finally had me take him in for tests. They tied him to a board and had him drink some liquid so they could look at his digestive tract.

After those tests they put him on medicine which made him have constant diarrhea. It was so hard to see my little baby in pain. But I didn't want to make a fuss with the doctors.

Once my son turned three he was about to start pre-school and still was throwing up all of his food. I knew this couldn't go on. I finally switched doctors. The new doctor told me right away that this was not normal and should not be treated with medicine.

The new doctor sent us to our local children's hospital where they did some tests and discovered that my little guy had ulcers all the way down his esophagus. And without treatment, the scar tissue would close his airway. Within two days we were scheduled for surgery.

It was hard seeing him go through major surgery, but it was the best thing that ever happened. Since then he has been able to live a normal life.

What did I learn from this experience?? I learned that as a parent, we know our children best. We know when things are not right. It's ok to challenge what doctors tell us and keep pushing until we find the right answer. We are our children's most important advocate. That is our role. And even though standing up to people and making waves is the hardest thing in the world for me, it is something that I have learned I have to do and I will do for the well-being of my children.

That's why I am so passionate about the Million Mom Challenge. We can help make the world a better place! All we need to do is "like" the Million Mom Challenge on Facebook by TONIGHT. Johnson & Johnson will give $1 to important funds helping mothers and babies around the world for every 'Like' or sign-up on Facebook (up to $100,000). That can make SUCH a difference in the world!!!! PLEASE sign up to help.

Children's health is at the top of every mother's mind. What's your favorite tip for raising a healthy baby? By replying, you will be entered to win an exclusive Million Moms Challenge Gift Pack, which includes an iPad2, a custom-made Million Moms Challenge pendant and a $50 donation in your name to Global Giving.

Please show your support for the Million Moms Challenging by liking MMC on Facebook.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Million Moms Challenge. The opinions and text are all mine. Contest runs November 14 to December 18, 2011. A random winner will be announced by December 20, 2011.

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