Obama Engaged in FEMA Response to Irene

 ABC News' Tahman Bradley Reports: President Obama has received regular briefings about Hurricane Irene's impact.  During the wet and windy weekend in Washington, senior advisors and cabinet officials have updated the president on the response and recovery effort taking place along the East Coast of the United States and in U.S. territories.    Sunday morning, Obama convened a video teleconference in the White House Situation Room and plans to reconvene with his team managing the federal government's response Sunday night.  Overnight, Mr. Obama declared a state of emergency in Delaware and Washington, DC.  Late Saturday, Obama declared an emergency in Puerto Rico.  Emergency orders for federal aid to help state and local responders had already been issued in nine states.  In the Sunday morning teleconference, the president met with Vice President Joe Biden, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, FEMA Administration Craig Fugate, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan.