Rick Perry Camp Doesn’t Take Mitt Romney’s ‘Career Politician’ Bait

Mitt Romney may have delivered a veiled swipe at Rick Perry in San Antonio today, but the Texas governor's camp isn't taking the bait to engage with Romney.

"I have spent more of my life outside of politics, dealing with the real problems in the real economy," Romney said at the VFW convention in San Antonio Tuesday morning. "Career politicians got us into this mess and they simply don't know how to get us out."

But Perry's spokesman said Romney's swipe at career politicians couldn't be directed at Perry, whose resume boasts several years working outside of government.

"Governor Perry was a farmer and served in the Military for a combined 19 years," Miner, Perry's spokesman, said. "Mitt Romney must have been talking about someone else in his remarks today."

In the past week, Perry snagged Romney's frontrunner title from him when two polls showed the Texas governor leading the Republican pack.

Romney and Perry will face each other for the first time next week since Perry entered the presidential race.  They will both attend Sen. Jim DeMint's Palmetto Freedom Forum in Columbia, S.C., on Labor Day and join their fellow Republican contenders at a debate at the Reagan Presidential Library in California next Wednesday.