Details of Romney’s Jobs Plan Leaked - ABC News

Details of Romney’s Jobs Plan Leaked

Excerpts released by Mitt Romney’s campaign tonight hint at what the presidential candidate might say during his jobs plan unveiling next week, which is slated to be held Tuesday afternoon at a North Las Vegas trucking company.

Romney is scheduled to speak Friday to the Republican National Hispanic Assembly in Tampa, Fla., in a speech that he will use to leak details from what he refers to as his “bold,” “sweeping,” and “detailed” jobs plan that will help turnaround the country’s struggling economy.

“I will make business taxes competitive with other nations, eliminate burdensome regulations and bureaucracy, and support America’s workers instead of its union bosses,” Romney writes in Friday’s speech. “I will promote the exploration of our own natural resources, which will create countless jobs.”

Romney will vow to make sure “America’s workforce is prepared for the modern economy,” and says he will “cut federal spending, cap it at 20% or less of the GDP and finally, finally balance our budget.”

“I will insist that Washington learns to respect the Constitution, including the 10th Amendment. We will return responsibility and authority to the states for dozens of government programs – and that begins with a complete repeal of Obamacare,” writes Romney.

The former Massachusetts Governor will also promise to “vigorously advance our trade interests around the world…ratifying pending agreements with allies like Colombia and Panama to create jobs right here in Florida and across America.”

Romney’s Florida appearance won’t be void of another swipe at fellow GOP candidate Texas Gov. Rick Perry. In fact, Romney will repeat the line he used against Perry earlier this week during a speech delivered in San Antonio, during which he made reference to “career politicians.”

“Career politicians got us into this mess and career politicians can’t get us out!” Romney will say, according to the prepared remarks.

Following his speech to the RNHA Friday, Romney will attend the opening of his Florida campaign headquarters, also in Tampa.