Gingrich Calls Same-Sex Marriage a ‘Temporary Aberration’ - ABC News

Gingrich Calls Same-Sex Marriage a ‘Temporary Aberration’

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich expounded upon his views on same-sex marriage today, calling it a “temporary aberration” that will one day go away because it defies convention.

“I believe that marriage is between a man and woman,” Gingrich said in Fort Dodge, Iowa, today according to the Des Moines Register. “It has been for all of recorded history and I think this is a temporary aberration that will dissipate. I think that it is just fundamentally goes against everything we know.”

This is not the first time Gingrich has spoken out against gay marriage. Gingrich offered his opinion on gay marriage earlier in the campaign season when he commented on New York’s decision to allow same-sex couples to wed.

“I think we are drifting towards a terrible muddle which I think is going to be very, very difficult and painful to work our way out of,” Gingrich said. “I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. I think that’s what marriage ought to be and I would like to find ways to defend that view as legitimately and effectively as possible.”

The thrice-married Gingrich helped corral $150,000 last March to conservative groups fighting against the Iowa judges who repealed the state’s gay marriage ban.

Gingrich, who helped sponsor the Defense of Marriage Act while he was in the House, chided President Obama last February when he decided to stop defending DOMA in federal courts.

“The president is replacing the rule of law with the rule of Obama,” Gingrich said. “The president swore an oath on the Bible to ensure that the laws be faithfully executed, not to decide which laws are and which are not constitutional.”

Gingrich’s own half-sister Candace Gingrich-Jones is a lesbian in a same-sex marriage, and in 2008, she wrote a letter to her brother saying his views on gay marriage are out of touch.

“The truth is that you’re living in a world that no longer exists. I, along with millions of Americans, clearly see the world the way it as — and we embrace what it can be. You, on the other hand, seem incapable of looking for new ideas or moving beyond what worked in the past,” Candace Gingrich-Jones wrote in a letter to Gingrich posted on the Huffington Post. “In other words, stop being a hater, big bro.”

In May, Newt and his wife Callista encountered a protestor who took issue with Gingrich’s stance on gay marriage and disrupted a book signing by dumping a box of glitter on the couple.