Obama Campaign: Romney Economic Plan ‘Repackaged’ Bad Ideas

President Obama’s re-election campaign blasted former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney for his  59-point jobs plan unveiled today, calling it the “same old policies that helped create the economic crisis.”

“While Mitt Romney spoke today about the struggles of the middle class, he offered a plan that would tip the scales against hard-working Americans,” spokesman Ben LaBolt said in a statement.

“Governor Romney repackaged the same old policies that helped create the economic crisis: boosting oil company profits and allowing Wall Street to write its own rules, more tax breaks for large corporations and more tax cuts for the wealthiest while working Americans are forced to carry a greater burden,” he said. “For the middle class to succeed we must embrace the value that hard work and responsibility are rewarded and ensure that everyone plays by the same rules.”

Romney proposed slashing the corporate income tax rate, implementing free trade agreements, boosting domestic oil and gas production and repealing regulations imposed under the Obama administration. He says he would also eliminate taxes on capital gains for individuals earning less than $200,000.

“It should be good to be in the middle class in America,” said Romney. He pledged the entire package would bring unemployment below 6 percent in his first term as president.

“President Obama’s strategy is a pay phone strategy and we’re in a smart phone world,” he said.

The president is expected to unveil his new jobs plan in detail Thursday night during an address to a joint session of Congress.