Rick Perry Releases New Campaign Video, Calls Obama ‘President Zero’

Texas Gov. and GOP presidential contender Rick Perry released a new campaign video Wednesday, blasting President Obama for a lack of leadership in creating jobs and pointing to Perry as the leader who could turn the economy around.

The video, called “Rick Perry – Proven Leadership,” dramatically juxtaposes  Obama’s speeches on the economy  against statistics and soundbites from news clips, and  at one point even calls Obama “President Zero.”

The campaign video then turns to Perry, touting his ability to “get America working again,” and uses a speech in which he says, “We don’t need a president who apologizes for America. I believe in America. I believe in her purpose and her promise. I believe her best days have not yet been led. I believe her greatest deeds are reserved for the generations to come, and with the help and the courage of the American people, we will get our country working again.”

Text appears on the screen that  reads “In 2012 … America will discover … a new name for leadership … an American … who served for freedom … a president … who will lead a nation.”

This is the second video — which was made by former governor and Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty’s filmmaker Luca Baniano, according to Politico –  from the Perry campaign. The first video was a biographical sketch that introduced Perry to the American people, released on the day he announced his run.

Perry is set to make a swing through Florida, holding fundraisers in Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach Wednesday. He’ll also take part in a series of events organized by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, the Conservative Political Action Conference  and Presidency 5.