Tony Bennett: The Apology Tour

ABC News’ Ellen Tumposky reports:

An abashed Tony Bennett repeated his apology for his controversial remarks about 9-11 in an appearance today on ABC’s “The View.”

The crooner, 85, who performed with K.D. Lang on the show, was asked by co-host Barbara Walters about the uproar he provoked when he appeared on “The Howard Stern Show” Monday and said that U.S. military action indirectly caused the 9-11 attacks. “They flew the plane in, but we caused it,” Bennett told Stern.

On “The View,” Bennett quickly read from a statement he posted Tuesday on his Facebook page, saying,  “I am sorry if my statements suggested anything other than an expression of my love for my country, my hope for humanity and my desire for peace throughout the world.”

Then Bennett added: “Nobody loves America more than I do.”

He received warm applause from the studio audience.

Bennett also talked about recording with the late singer Amy Winehouse, saying, “She had the gift.”

He said he regretted never warning her about the dangers of alcohol and drug addiction. “I wanted to tell her, ‘If you keep going, you’re going to die. I never got the chance to tell her that.”