More Americans Have Unfavorable View of Health Care Law

Americans’ favorable view of the Democrats’ health care law has dropped to a new low not seen since the law was passed in March 2010, according to a poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

The report, released today, found that 34 percent of Americans now view the Affordable Care Act favorably, the lowest since the law was passed. Fifty-one percent now view the law unfavorably, a new high.

The drop was largely driven by waning enthusiasm among Democrats, according to Kaiser. Although liberals remain the largest backers of the law, their support for it has dropped, driven by a weak economy and continued criticism of the law by Republican candidates in debates. Only one in five Democrats has a very favorable view of the law. More than six in 10 Republicans have an unfavorable view.

The economy and jobs are the top priority issue for most Americans, a majority of whom – 71 percent – think the Congress and president are paying “too little attention” to those issues.

Only 18 percent of Americans now think the Affordable Care Act will improve their personal situation, down from 27 percent in September, while 44 percent say it won’t make much of a difference to them. Just 28 percent think it will improve the country’s situation, another new low, and down from 38 percent.

The report comes as Republican candidates are upping their rhetoric against the health care law. Most support repealing the law altogether; even Mitt Romney, who signed a similar health care law for his state as governor of Massachusetts.

The Obama administration has also run against several obstacles in recent months. The administration announced earlier this month it will nix the long-term health insurance plan in the law, saying it could not find a financially sustainable model for it.