Obama Hits Romney on Payroll Tax Cut Extension in Campaign Video - ABC News

Obama Hits Romney on Payroll Tax Cut Extension in Campaign Video

President Obama channels his inner “ warrior for the middle class” in a new campaign video meant to buck up supporters after the defeat of his jobs bill in the Senate, and drive a wedge between middle class voters and the leading Republican presidential candidate trying to court them.

“A lot of folks in Washington and the media will look at last night’s vote and say, ‘Well, that’s it, the bill is dead. Let’s move on to the next fight.’ I’ve got news for them: Not this time,” Obama said in the video. “I won’t take no for an answer and I hope you won’t either. This fight will go on.”

Obama told viewers that “we will force” members of Congress to vote individually on the various proposals of the jobs bill, including plans to increase spending for teachers and first-responders, expedite infrastructure projects and  boost employment initiatives for veterans.  The package also included an array of tax cuts for workers and businesses.

“They’ll be forced to decide whether we should cut taxes for middle class Americans or let them go up next year,” Obama said, referring to a proposed payroll tax cut extension.

“In fact, that’s exactly what one of the leading Republican presidential candidates suggested we do during last night’s debate: allow taxes to rise by up to $1,000 next year for struggling middle class families,” he said, making reference to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who has opposed a temporary extension of the payroll tax cut.

Romney called the payroll tax cut extension a “little Band-Aid” in Tuesday night’s GOP debate, drawing fire from Democrats.  He favors “permanent changes to the tax code.”

“That’s not how you build an economy where middle class families can get ahead, or put people back to work,” Obama said of Romney’s approach. “We don’t have to accept that future. I certainly won’t.”

The president reiterated his call for supporters to lobby members of Congress on aspects of the jobs plan.

“It’s your voice that will make a difference to those senators and Congress. You’re their boss,” he said. “And only you can make them do their jobs. So if you want action on jobs, make yourself heard.”