Perry Campaign Updates Iowa Ad That Omitted FEC Disclaimer

Rick Perry’s first television ad that launched in Iowa today got quickly tangled in a small snafu after it left out a disclaimer required by the Federal Election Commission.

The FEC requires that all political ads meet three criteria: They must disclose who paid for the advertisement, verbally communicate the candidate’s approval of the message and include a written disclaimer of that approval.

But as Politico first reported, Perry’s ad is missing that final component. 

Ray Sullivan, communications director for Rick Perry, said the campaign’s lawyers vetted the spot before its release but would update it to ensure it complied with all FEC requirements.

“Our lawyers approved the disclaimer, but just to be sure we are in total compliance, we’re sending an updated version of the spot out today,” Sullivan said in an email.

The 30-second ad called “Creating Jobs” aired across the Hawkeye State Wednesday and will run through Monday.