Rick Perry Campaign Hauls in $17 Million

Jim Cole/AP Photo

Gov. Rick Perry’s campaign will report taking in $17 million for the fundraising quarter in just 49 days, ABC News has confirmed.

The Perry campaign has $15 million cash on hand.

The Perry campaign leaked the news directly to the Drudge Report, which noted Perry raised $347,000 a day from 20,000 unique donors in all 50 states including DC, Puerto Rico, and Guam.  Some 51 percent of the cash came from outside his home state of Texas.

When Perry entered the race over seven weeks ago, he was six weeks behind his competitors in fundraising.

The Perry camp reportedly set an initial fundraising goal of $10 million in the opening weeks of the campaign.

There have been reports that the Mitt Romney campaign raised between $13 million and $15 million. Rep. Ron Paul took in more than $5 million last quarter.

Romney raised $18.25 million in his first quarter campaigning.

“It’s less than what Mitt Romney raised in the first quarter, and we feel good in the strength of our finance team and the fact that we are adding new people every day, ” Andrea Saul, a spokesperson for Romney, said in a statement.

Perry has fallen in the polls the last week after a shaky debate performance and a loss to Herman Cain in a Florida straw poll.