Rick Santorum Goes After Cain With Abortion Ad - ABC News

Rick Santorum Goes After Cain With Abortion Ad

Rick Santorum has come out with a new web ad that hits Herman Cain on his somewhat confusing language on abortion. Using the pizza mogul’s own words, the ad attempts to lure Iowa’s social conservatives away from Cain and into the Santorum camp.

The ad calls Cain’s comments his “newly discovered pro-choice position” and uses the clip from CNN’s Piers Morgan in which Cain said  he was personally opposed to abortion  but seemed to support keeping abortion legal in cases of rape or incest.

“It’s not the government’s role, or anybody else’s role, to make that decision,” Cain said in response to a question from Morgan about whether Cain would want a family member who’d been raped not to be able to chose whether to terminate the pregnancy.

“It ultimately gets down to a choice that that family or that mother has to make. Not me as president. Not some politician. Not a bureaucrat. It gets down to that family. And whatever they decide, they decide. I shouldn’t try to tell them what decision to make for such a sensitive decision.”

That’s  followed by the Fox Business Channel clip in which Cain told John Stossel: “That is her choice, not government’s choice,” when the host asked  if a woman should be allowed to end a pregnancy that resulted from rape.

It’s clear what audience Santorum is targeting: conservative Iowa caucus-goers. The ad uses quotes from such conservative Iowans as radio show host Steve Deace  and the Family Leader’s Bob VanDer Plaats in which they criticize Cain for his abortion comments.

Santorum hits his 99 th county in the Hawkeye State next week as he works to eat away Cain’s support in Iowa by creating the  impression that unlike Santorum,  Iowans just don’t know the former Godfather’s CEO.

The ad wraps with the phrase: “Herman Cain, the more we learn the more concerned we become.”

When asked for a response, J.D. Gordon, Cain’s communications director said, “The Cain train takes the high road. End of story.”