Romney Camp Not Impressed With Perry’s Fundraising

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Who is impressed with Rick Perry’s recent fundraising haul? Not Mitt Romney.

The Perry campaign just reported raising $17 million in the last quarter.

But a Romney insider tells ABC News, “It’s less than Mitt Romney’s first quarter, and we feel good about the strength of our finance team. We’re adding new people every day.”

Indeed, Romney raised more than $18 million the first quarter he was in the race. However, that figure represented more weeks of fundraising than Perry enjoyed (Perry was only raising cash for a fraction of the quarter). And Romney’s take was less than he brought in his campaign four years ago.

Of more interest? The aside from the Romney aide about “adding new people every day.” Yesterday after New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced he would not run, the Romney team locked-up Christie backer Kenneth Langone, co-founder of Home Depot. Langone’s deep pockets and connections are a coveted asset in this race.