Support for Health Care Law at New Low - ABC News

Support for Health Care Law at New Low

The Kaiser Family Foundation released a new poll tonight finding a significant drop in favorable views of the new federal health care law, to their lowest since the law was passed in March 2010.

Just 34 percent of Americans now view the Affordable Care Act favorably, down 7 points from last month.  (It was about this low, 35 percent, in July 2010). Fifty-one percent now view the law unfavorably, numerically a new high (likewise, by one point).

Kaiser says the drop occurred mainly among Democrats, who, while they still are more supportive of the law than are other Americans, have grown less so. It suggests glum economic views are a factor and also notes persistent criticism of the law in the GOP debates.

Just 18 percent of Americans now think the law will improve things for them personally, down from 27 percent in September. And just 28 percent think it’ll make things better for the country - another new low, and down from 38 percent.