The Note’s Must-Reads for Friday, October 28, 2011

The Note’s Must-Reads are a round-up of today’s political headlines and stories from ABC News and the top U.S. newspapers. Posted Monday through Friday right here at

Compiled by ABC News Digital News Associates Jayce Henderson, Jacqueline Fernandez and Desk Assistant Amanda VanAllen

PRESIDENT OBAMA: The New York Times’ Eric Lichtblau: “ Obama Backers Tied to Lobbies Raise Millions” Despite a pledge not to take money from lobbyists, President Obama has relied on prominent supporters who are active in the lobbying industry to raise millions of dollars for his re-election bid. LINK

The Washington Times’ Dave Boyer: “ Promises, promises: Obama’s 60% tally too high?” President Obama has taken to claiming at recent political rallies and fundraisers that he has fulfilled 60 percent of his campaign promises from 2008, but the scorecard of an independent arbiter suggests that Mr. Obama is grading himself on a generous curve. LINK

OCCUPY MOVEMENT: The Washington Post’s Rachel Weiner: “ Occupy movement could be damaged by violent clashes” New Post polling shows the Occupy Wall Street movement could be a boon for Democrats in 2012. But violent clashes with the police at Occupy Oakland, along with arrests elsewhere, raise questions about how long the movement can last — and whether its message will be muddled by violence. LINK

ECONOMY / DEFICIT / TAXES: The Hills’ Russell Berman and Erik Wasson: “ Boehner rejects Dem proposal, says it’s time ‘to get serious’” House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Thursday rejected a proposal by the Democratic members of the congressional supercommittee on deficit reduction, declaring its $1.3 trillion in tax increases unacceptable. A majority of the six Democrats on the 12-member panel privately proposed a package that would cut the deficit by $3 trillion over 10 years, including more than $1 trillion in tax increases. LINK

The Wall Street Journal’s Janet Hook: “ Taxes Remain Stumbling Block For Deficit Panel” The rejection by Democratic and Republican members of the deficit-reduction supercommittee of each others’ opening offers may mark the beginning, not the end, of an intensifying effort to determine whether taxes will be raised as part of a compromise, officials following the work of the panel said Thursday. LINK

USA Today’s DavidJackson: “ Obama: Europe debt will affect U.S. economy” President Obama said today that Europe’s efforts to resolve its debt crisis will affect economic recovery in the USA. “It will definitely have an impact on us here in the United States,” Obama said before a private meeting with Prime Minister Petr Necas of the Czech Republic. LINK

REGIONAL POLITICS: The Boston Globe’s Travis Andersen: “ State Department says Libyan fighters will be treated in Massachusetts” Twenty-four fighters who were seriously wounded in the armed struggle that ended with the fall of Libyan dictator Moammar Khadafy will be treated by the Boston-based Spaulding Rehabilitation Network, the US Department of State announced today.   LINK

2012 ELECTIONS / GOP: The New York Daily News’ Aliyah Shahid: “ Rick Perry, GOP presidential candidate’s flirtation with birtherism a ‘positive’ thing: Donald Trump” Rick Perry’s flirtation with the “birther” movement might not be such a bad thing – at least according to Donald Trump. The business magnate – and outspoken skeptic of President Obama’s birthplace – praised the Republican presidential candidate on Thursday, insisting Perry’s latest remarks are a “positive thing.” LINK

The Los Angeles Times’ James Oliphant: “ Poor no more: Herman Cain’s net worth in the millions” Hermain Cain has said he was “po’” before he was poor. But he’s not anymore. According to recently certified financial disclosure forms, the former pizza chain executive has an estimated net worth of somewhere between $2.9 million and $6.8 million.   LINK

Politico’s Maggie Haberman: “ Santorum is first to whack Perry over skipping debates” Rick Santorum was the first among the GOP candidates to thump Rick Perry for telegraphing he may skip some of the fall debates, which we were the first to report on yesterday. “I thought Texas governors were supposed to be tough. How can Gov. Perry expect anyone to trust he can take on Obama and the Democratic machine, when he thinks debating his fellow Republicans is too tough?” said Santorum spokesman Hogan Gidley. LINK

HEALTH CARE: ABC News’ Gary Langer: “ Support for Health Care Law at New Low” The Kaiser Family Foundation released a new poll tonight finding a significant drop in favorable views of the new federal health care law, to their lowest since the law was passed in March 2010. Just 34 percent of Americans now view the Affordable Care Act favorably, down 7 points from last month.  LINK

ABC NEWS VIDEOS:Herman Cain Says States Should Control College AidLINKMichele Bachmann Talks Tax Code with ABC NewsLINK

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