In New Web Video, Romney Reminds Voters Future Is in Their Hands

In a new web video first obtained by ABC News and set to be released Wednesday, the Mitt Romney campaign gives voters an ominous reminder that with less than a year to go until Election Day, the choice of who ends up in the White House next year is in their hands.

As the camera zooms in among what appears to be an abandoned campaign headquarters, focusing in on a television replaying moments from President Barack Obama’s election night victory in 2008, a stern voice says, “On November 7th, 2012, Americans will wake up and a decision will have been made.”

Watch the first video here:

“Will we re-elect a president who will continue with the status quo?” says the voice, as the camera focuses on the television placed in front of tattered American flag, with tables filled with discarded papers and notebooks off to the side.

“Will you help turn our country around?” the voiceover continues. “And believe in America again? What will you do?”

And finally, the ad ends with a reminder: “You have less than a year — the future is in your hands.”

The ad, which is just 40 seconds long, draws on some of Romney’s recent additions to his stump speech.

At campaign stops in Iowa earlier this week, Romney told crowds gathered to see him to think about the two options that face them a year from now, telling the Hawkeye residents that it was up to them to decide what headline will be broadcast in November 2012.

“About a year from now you’re going to wake up and turn on the TV and it’s going to say one of two things,” Romney said. “One, the TV could come on and say President Obama has been re-elected to a second term. And if that’s the case, you know what the next four years look like. They’ll look like the last four years we’ve just endured.”

But Romney offered an alternative to that scenario, telling voters that with their help, the headline could be “Mitt is It.”

That storyline, Romney told the crowd, would be his preference.