Rick Santorum on Rick Perry’s ‘Oops’ Moment

NEW BOSTON, N.H. – After Rick Santorum’s national security speech here, during a question-and-answer portion of a town hall, the former Pennsylvania senator referenced Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s “oops” moment at a debate Wednesday night, when Perry forgot the third of three federal agencies he’d cut as president.

A supporter in the crowd of about 50 people at a library was upset about the amount of time Santorum gets to respond to questions at debates relative to the other candidates. The supporter asked if it was a possible for all the candidates to get the same amount of time.

“That would be a wonderful thing,” Santorum replied.

“It’s not like someone asks me a question [and] I sort of stare at the camera and don’t know what to say,” he said to laughs. “It’s true. Oops!”

“It’s not like I don’t have substantive answers to give, and I can’t differentiate myself and I can’t draw sharp contrasts,” Santorum said, before asking, “Am I blushing?”