The Note’s Must-Reads for Monday, November 14, 2011

Compiled by ABC News Digital News Associates Jacqueline Fernandez, Jayce Henderson and Amanda VanAllen

PRESIDENT OBAMA Politico’s Manu Raju and Marin Cogan: “ Some Democrats refuse to back Obama” Sen. Joe Lieberman was treated like an outcast back in 2008 when he broke from the Senate Democratic Caucus and openly opposed Barack Obama’s bid for the White House.  Asked last week if he’d back Obama in 2012, the Connecticut independent said, “I don’t know what I’m going to do.” LINK

The New York Daily News: “ President Obama calls waterboarding ‘torture’ and ‘contrary to American traditions,’ counters GOP presidential candidates“  President Barack Obama says the interrogation technique known as waterboarding constitutes torturing, disputing Republican presidential candidates who say they would reinstate the practice. Obama called waterboarding “torture” and said it was “contrary to America’s traditions” during a news conference at the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. Republicans Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann said during a Republican debate on Saturday that they would reinstate the technique that former President George W. Bush authorized and Obama banned. LINK

HERMAN CAIN The Hills’ Meghashyam Mali: “ Gloria Cain says her husband ‘totally respects women’” In her first televised interview, Gloria Cain, the wife of GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain defended her husband against sexual harassment allegations made by former employees. “I’m thinking he would have to have a split personality to do the things that were said,” Gloria Cain said according to media reports in an interview which will air Monday on Fox News’s On the Record with Greta Van Susteren. LINK

The Washington Post’s Lonnae O’Neal Parker: “ With interview, Gloria Cain steps into the political spotlight” On Monday night, when the Fox News program “On the Record” with Greta Van Susteren airs an interview with Herman and Gloria Cain, it will be the first time most in the country will have a face to go with the name of the Republican presidential candidate’s wife. It will be the first time most hear her voice or anything she has to say — about who she is, what she does with her time. LINK

The Washington Times’ Luke Rosiak: “ Fundraisers show little cash for Cain” A felon once imprisoned for fraud is raising money in the name of Herman Cain and profiting off of it through a company he owns. It is the second group raising large amounts of Cain cash that has a history of collecting millions of dollars through politically charged mailings and spending hardly any of it on politics. LINK

MICHELLE BACHMANN The New York Times’ Jeremy Peters: “ A Finger Slips, and the Bachmann Camp Pounces” It is not exactly a state secret that the news media tend to lavish more coverage on perceived front-runners in presidential campaigns. But CBS News’s political director, John Dickerson, made the mistake of saying basically that in an e-mail and accidentally sending it to the campaign of Representative Michele Bachmann. LINK

REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES ABC News’ Michael Falcone: “ Republican Presidential Candidates Attempt to Find Foreign Policy Footing” In a 90-minute session that focused on a set of issues that have largely taken a back-seat to the economy during the primary season, the Republican presidential candidates showcased some stark differences between each other on foreign policy Saturday night. LINK

The Wall Street Journal’s Jonathan Weisman: “ Romney, Gingrich Get Bump” A week of turmoil in the race for the Republican presidential nomination has benefited former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich while hurting Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Herman Cain, new polling numbers from the Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey suggest. The Journal/NBC News polling team late last week re-interviewed likely Republican primary voters who had participated in a Journal/NBC poll earlier this month. LINK

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