The PM Note: Cain’s 3 Days, Newt’s Baggage, A White House Christmas, And McCain Apologizes to Long Island

Charles Dharapak/AP Photo

Unveiled: White House Christmas Decorations (Yes, there are 5 likenesses of Bo Obama). Team Coverage:

Cain’s 3 Days - For three straight days Herman Cain has done something to distract us from the rest of the field, the continued rise of Newt Gingrich and the alarm bells that must be going off at Romney HQ in Boston.

On Monday it was a long and rambling interview with Wolf Blitzer, pre-emptively striking at allegations by Ginger White that he carried on a 13-year affair with her. On Tuesday it was news that he was “reassessing” his campaign. Today it was another long and rambling interview – this one on Fox News with Neil Cavuto.

Cain’s interview on Fox – he declared he’ll decide by next week whether he’ll stay in the race but couldn’t declare that no more alleged affairs will surface – is enough to distract even from the uncomfortable performance of Mitt Romney last night on Fox with another anchor there.

All things Cain live here:

Meanwhile, there are some burning questions to answer.

Will Newt’s Baggage Reassert Itself? - Here’s Huma Khan’s look at his views on child labor, abortion, his three marriages, his religious journey, global warming, health care reform and Newt Inc.

Ron Paul doesn’t think so. The Ron Paul campaign released this over-the-top video wrap-up.

Will Newt’s Fox News Interview be as interesting as Romney or Cain’s? – “Whereas I would have thought originally it was going to be Mitt and not-Mitt, I think it’s going to — it may turn out to be Newt and not-Newt,” Gingrich tells Hannity, according to excerpts of the interview .Our Michael Falcone reports:

Sealed With Butter? - Democrats jokingly sent popcorn and other treats to Romney HQ in Boston today, according to ABC’s Emily Friedman.  ”We had such a great time watching all 16 minutes of the interview that we wanted to make sure you had the opportunity to enjoy it too!” read the note. “We’ve attached a DVD of the interview and a box of popcorn for your viewing pleasure.”

Is John McCain Really Sorry, Long Island? – The senator apologized to all of Long Island today. He made an offhand joke during a debate on detainees today that Chuck Schumer’s office seized on the comment and pointed out, not joking, that Long Island residents were among those affected by 9/11, drawing a peripheral link to the detainee issue. McCain quickly apologized, according to ABC’s Sunlen Miller, but suggested the senior senator from New York needs to get a sense of humor.

Is Obama More Carter or Reagan? - Approval ratings for a long time and the Obama campaign strategists would prefer a Reagan comparison. But the NRSC, with its not entirely perfect “Malazy” ad today, lean toward Carter.  While Reagan’s approval had, by this point in his presidency, started to recover, Obama’s has not. Obama’s approval rating is near the lowest point of his presidency – 43 percent – according to a daily tracking poll of presidential approval by Gallup. Reagan’s, by early December, at this point in his presidency, was at 53 percent. Carter had been lower – as low as 28 percent – in the summer of 1979, but was in the process of a rebound amid the Iran hostage crisis.

Who Yanked on Obama? – The Secret Service jumped in pretty quick when it appeared that President Obama was being yanked into the crowd in Scranton. Devin Dwyer shot half this video:

Do Americans Have Split Personalities on Health Care? – A Kaiser poll suggests Americans still don’t like the health law, but they don’t want Congress to get rid of it either:

Delayed: Payroll Tax Cut Extension - As President Obama pushes for the extension of the payroll tax cut in Scranton, Pa., today, Republicans in the Senate are taking great pains today to make one thing clear: they are for the cut, just not the way to pay for it, according to Sunlen Miller in the senate. Republicans are against the Senate Democratic proposal for the extension and expansion of the payroll tax because of the $265 billion bill is paid for by a 3.25 percent surtax on Americans making over $1 million. Expect a Republican proposal tonight. The White House pitch – The view on payroll tax cut extension from Boehner’s office:

Defiant: Herman Cain – He told Matthew Jaffe in Ohio this morning that all these affair and harassment allegations are part of a character assassination scheme.

First Lady of Fashion is “Commander in Chic” according to a new book. Read more here.

Romney’s Positive Ad - Mitt Romney’s campaign is putting $85,000 into a New Hampshire ad buy today – his second of the campaign season. Reports Emily Friedman: The first ad released just over a week ago and titled “Believe in America” ignited a firestorm of criticism when it used a misleading quote from President Barack Obama. Today’s ad is much tamer. Titled “The Right Answer,” the ad focuses on Romney’s plan to turn around the economy, using video from his appearance at debates as well as still photographs from his campaign events.

PERRY’s Day - Rick Perry urged the New Hampshire legislature to override a veto on right-to-work legislation on his second day campaigning in the state.

MISC. Blago Behindd Bars? - Govt.. wants former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich to get 20 years for his corruption conviction –

Free Hinckley? - Prosecutors in Washington argued against John Hinckley, Jr., the man who shot President Reagan, from getting even more freedom.