The Presidential Planner – Obama Honors Veterans, Attends ‘Carrier Classic’

President Obama will travel to San Diego, Calif., today to attend the first annual Veterans Day “Carrier Classic” basketball game on the same aircraft carrier that buried Osama bin Laden at sea.

Obama, an avid basketball player, will attend this evening’s game between the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Michigan State along with roughly 7,000 fans, mostly active military personnel.

The Carrier Classic will by played on the USS Carl Vinson, the Navy carrier that conducted the bin Laden burial at sea after he was killed by Navy SEALs in May in a raid ordered by the president. The game will be the first-ever college basketball game played on a flight deck, unless the weather prohibits the outdoor game - in which case it will be moved to the hanger deck below.

The game won’t be the only Veterans Day event for the president. In the morning, the president and first lady will attend a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, where Obama will also deliver remarks.

This evening, Obama will travel from San Diego to Honolulu, Hawaii, for this weekend’s APEC summit.