The Presidential Planner – Obama Meets Netherlands Prime Minister

President Obama will will host Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands at the White House today for a bilateral meeting.

“The president and prime minister will discuss the importance of these trade and investment ties, as well as the current situation in the eurozone. The president also looks forward to consulting with Prime Minister Rutte about preparations for the 2012 NATO Summit that the U.S. will host in Chicago; the United States and the Netherlands are founding members of NATO,” according to the White House.

Also expect the White House to continue to press its case for Congress to extend and expand the payroll tax cut today. The Senate is poised to vote on the proposal, part of the president’s $447 billion jobs bill, but Republicans continue to oppose any measures to raise taxes on the wealthy to pay for it. The president will take his message to Scranton, Pa., tomorrow to urge Congress to act.