Pop Idol Kelly Clarkson Tweets Respect for Ron Paul - ABC News

Pop Idol Kelly Clarkson Tweets Respect for Ron Paul

Ron Paul got sort of a backhanded celebrity endorsement today from pop idol Kelly Clarkson.

The diva tweeted Wednesday morning "I love Ron Paul. I liked him a lot during the last Republican nomination, and no one gave him a chance. If he wins the nomination for the Republican Party in 2012, he's got my vote. Too bad he probably won't."

The tweet apparently drew quite a response on Clarkson's Twitter feed as she responded to fans complaining about racist comments published years ago in newsletters published by Paul, the longtime Texas congressman with a libertarian bent who is on his third run for president. The newsletters, some of which included some racist and anti-gay passages, have gotten more attention as  Paul's campaign for the Republican nomination has gained steam.

Read more about the controversial Ron Paul newsletters.

"I have never heard that he's a racist? I definitely don't agree with racism, that's ignorant," Clarkson tweeted at one point, later clarifying that she voted for a Democrat (presumably President Obama) in 2008, even though she said she considered herself a Republican. "I am a Republican, but I actually voted Democrat last election," Clarkson tweeted.

Clarkson performed for President Obama at Ford's Theater Independence Day Concert in 2010.

Clarkson finally apologized if her support for Paul offended any fans.

"I am really sorry if I have offended anyone. Obviously, that was not my intent. I do not support racism. I support gay rights, straight rights, women's rights, men's rights, white/black/purple/orange rights. I like Ron Paul because he believes in less government and letting the people (all of us) make the decisions and mold our country. That is all. Out of all of the Republican nominees, he's my favorite."

Paul has some other celebrity admirers, including Vince Vaughn. Barry Manilow said he "agrees with Ron Paul on just about everything," but later said that didn't constitute an endorsement.

During Paul's last run for president, a video posted on Youtube of John Mayer, apparently after a few drinks, singing the praises of Paul's libertarianism went viral on the Internet. Watch that here.