Rand Boosts Ron With Christmas Eve Ad

Rand Paul is out with a new ad, vouching for his dad's conservative credentials in the run up to the Iowa Caucus.

The Kentucky Senator and Tea Party favorite is shown sitting in front of a Christmas tree as he notes the origins of the Tea Party movement.

Rand says that his "father stood against the establishment and against government bailouts" adding he "has always stayed true to his principles and his convictions" and won't falter and bend.

He then concludes by wishing everyone a "Merry Christmas and God bless America."

The 30-second television ad is the campaign's third to be released this week and will start airing on Christmas Eve and day in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Despite being called "the godfather of the Tea Party," a recent Atlantic Wire article noted that some Tea Party positions are at odds with Paul's.

The article cites a recent Pew Research Center study which finds that 60 percent of Tea Party Republicans said the best way to ensure peace was through "military strength" - compared with 47 percent of Republicans and 31 percent of voters over all. The survey found that 60 percent of Tea Party Republicans want military spending to stay the same and 21 percent want spending to increase. Paul wants to cut military spending and engage Iran.