Rick Perry Says Fourth Place Iowa Finish Won’t Stop His Campaign - ABC News

Rick Perry Says Fourth Place Iowa Finish Won’t Stop His Campaign

SIOUX CITY, Iowa - Texas Gov. Rick Perry suggested today that he might come in as low as fourth place in the Iowa caucuses next month, but said that won't stop him from competing in other states.

"You'll still see me in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida," Perry said of a fourth place finish during an interview on Fox News' Your World With Cavuto.

"Winning Iowa is obviously a help to anybody," Perry said. "You want to win here, but you don't have to."

Perry said voters in Iowa are the same as those in New Hampshire and South Carolina looking to meet the candidates up close and personal.

"They want to touch you, feel you, and sniff on ya," Perry said.

Perry, who was endorsed by Sheriff Joe Arpaio in New Hampshire last month, was asked to comment on the Justice Department's finding that the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office violated the constitution and federal laws based on civil rights violations by engaging in discrimination against Latinos.

Perry offered little comment about the Justice Department's findings saying only that "people are out after Sheriff Joe." Exchange below:

" I don't know what all of the details are but I do know this that nothing surprises me out of this administration," Perry said. "I would suggest to you that these people are out after Sheriff Joe. He is tough, and again, when I'm president of the United States, you're not going to see me going after states like Arizona or Alabama, suing sovereign states for making decisions particularly because the federal government has been an abject failure at securing the border."